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$6.95, Cloth, $3.45, Paper, 350 pages, 1969

Marx & Keynes, Paul Mattick 


Table of Contents


1. The Keynesian Revolution
2. Marx and Keynes
3. Marx's Labor Theory of Value
4. Value and Price
5. The Law of Value as Equilibrium Mechanism
6. Accumulation and the Falling Rate of Profit
7. The Business Cycle
8. The Realization of Surplus Value
9. Capitalism in Crises
10. The Expropriation of Capital
11. Saving Capitalism
12. Keynesianism in Reverse
13. The "Transformation" of Capitalism
14. The Mixed Economy
15. Money and Capital
16. Technology and the Mixed Economy
17. Capital Formation and Foreign Trade
18. Economic Development
19. The Imperialist Imperative
20. State-Capitalism and the Mixed Economy
21. Marxism and Socialism
22. Vague and Socialism 




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